From its humble beginning in the year 2001 it has today grown into a powerful industrial business with all your enthusiasm and support. Over these years we have constantly expanded our production facilities and also diversified into many streams of business of manufacturing of pvc screen filter, pvc disc filter, mulching paper, drip lateral and more. Pallavi Irrigation Drip products are made especially for low-volume irrigation systems. By delivering water at or near the plant's root zones, Pallavi Irrigation products offer targeted watering with greater efficiency for healthier plants and outstanding water savings. Drip Irrigation system is good for a small yard or for watering individual plants. Drip irrigation is highly effective at supplying one to four gallons of water per hour directly to the soil. The advantage of drip irrigation over sprinklers is that there is little water loss due to evaporation or runoff. Over these years we have constantly expanded our production facilities and also diversified into many streams of business of manufacturing of pvc screen filter, pvc disc filter, mulching paper filter, drip lateral and more. Pallavi Irrigation is also the largest manufacturer of plastic pipes in India covering a wide range of pipes and fittings.